They denounce the piracy of more than 14,000 credit cards


On the night of this Wednesday, piracy of about 14,000 domestic and foreign credit cards was denounced a situation that the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile corroborated

. : 00 o'clock the Superintendency was notified by various audited entities of a publication on the social network Twitter, through which it would have made public a file containing data of an approximate number of 14 000 cards credit, belonging to different

The institution did not specify which banks are involved, while the PPD senator and former Deputy Secretary of the Interior Felipe Harboe said banking institutions and recommended to change the keys.

They just communicate with my team from the Bank of Chile and they say that credit card filtering Etas credit is 12 banks and that @sbif issuing statement. Recommendation: change your pbadword now

– Felipe Harboe B (@felipeharboe) July 26, 2018

The SBIF explained in its commentary that the publication of the piracy "was made by the so-called group of cybercriminals ShadowBrokers who ] published the card number, the value number (CVV) and the expiry date of these products . "

The entity added that it has contacted the banks that received the instruction " to take measures to protect the cardholders concerned to communicate clearly and in a timely manner with them and to take all the necessary security measures to clarify the origin of the incident. "

He also commented that" according to available information, most of the affected credit cards are inactive . "

Senator Harboe: The situation is critical

According to Harboe member of the Economic Committee of the Senate, "the situation is quite critical because the information that comes from outside and indicates that a gang of hackers hacked not only the Bank of Chile, but to two other banks, by issuing credit card keys. "

" The situation is very delicate because they would publish in some networks the keys of each card with its security code, therefore, what can happen, it is that it " beyond the users who will quickly change the keys to not use them in the established trade, they can use them to shop on the Internet. "

BCI confirms filtering of their data

The Banco BCI has confirmed that it was one of the entities affected by the hacking and that he immediately blocked credit cards.

"Before the filtration n data of some of our customers, we inform that BCI has made the immediate blocking of credit cards whose data were filtered . We communicate this by SMS to all our concerned customers, "he said in a statement.

The BCI added that" investigation into the origin of this leak and will continue to monitor the situation permanently. Bank security protocols are active. "

According to ShadowBrokers, another of the pirated companies was BancoChile.

The Banks Are Responsible

The Former Attorney Carlos Gajardo pointed out that in these cases, the banks are responsible for the reimbursement of the fraud committed against their customers and that the courts have ruled in favor of the consumers.

The banks are responsible for the frauds committed with the credit cards of their customers, they charge this service and when they refuse to repay, the Cortes have received resources of protection against the banks and failure of Corte de Talca.

Bank of Chile

– Carlos Gajardo Pinto (@cgajardop) July 26, 2018

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