They develop a "bandage" that reveals the level of the stress hormone in seconds


DRAFTING .- An international team of researchers has developed an electrochemical patch that helps determine the level of stress hormone, cortisol, according to a study published this week in the journal Science Advances.

] This device, similar to bandages, is applied to the skin and absorbs perspiration, evaluating the amount of cortisol produced by a person. This method "offers a new approach for the early detection of various diseases and the badessment of athletic performance," said Onur Parlak, of Stanford University (USA) and lead author of the research

. The hormone cortisol increases and decreases naturally during the day, and can increase in response to stress. Currently, the measurement of cortisol volume is done in the laboratory and the results of the tests take several days, but by the time a person receives these results, it is likely that the level of this hormone differs from the time when he was tested. badysis, clarified Parlak.

It would help babies to "express" their emotional state
Cortisol is also involved in many important physiological functions of the body, so determining their level, quickly, would help doctors to choose the best treatment for the patients.

For now, researchers are continuing experiments to optimize the electrochemical patch, and in the event that its use is approved for the general public, it will allow people with hormonal imbalance can monitor their cortisol levels at home. a few seconds and could even help determine the emotional state of babies, says Stanford University press release

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