They discover a "fountain" in the center of a supermassive black hole


A group of astronomers discovers for the first time a supermbadive black hole forming a closed circuit of cold molecular gas that is expelled then returns to the same hole, in the manner of a source, informs Science Alert

The hole in question is located at the center of the galaxy Abell 2597, at a distance of 1,000 million light-years from Earth .

Scientists explain that gas, of course, does not come from the black hole itself. The gravity of these holes draws everything on it forming an "accretion disk" that captures the material. Part of this material is distributed to the poles of the disc and forms powerful jets that move at a speed close to light.

Next, the material returns to the filament nebula at the center of the galaxy, which in turn feeds the accretion disk. Once the hot jets cool, a condensation of gas occurs and clouds form of carbon monoxide molecules that eventually return to the black hole and the cycle begins at the beginning

"It is perhaps the first system in which we find clear evidence of both the entry of cold molecular gas into the black hole and the exit or emergence of jets [de plasma] that opens the black hole, "says Grant. Trembley, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA).

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