They discover a new species of wasp with a brutal sting


He is extremely tall and deadly for his prey.

Researchers at the University of Turku, Finland, and several South American researchers discovered a new species of wasp. Its scientific name is Clistopyga crbadicaudata, and it is located between the Andes and the low Amazonian forest. The wasp uses the dimensions of its sting both for spawning and for injecting venom.

According to a National Geographic report, the wasp looks for spiders that live in nests and paralyzes them with a quick injection of venom. So that? After having paralyzed them, they lay their eggs so that after hatching, the larva feeds on the paralyzed spider.

Studies are still needed to know with certainty all the functions of the sting, but the professor and researcher in Biodiversity of the entity, Ilari E. Sääksjärvi commented on how impressive it is:

J & # I've been studying tropical parasitoid wasps for a long time, but I've never seen anything like it. It seems to be a ferocious weapon (…) The gigantic sting of the present species is probably also a sophisticated tool, but for now we can only guess its purpose.

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