They discover intestinal bacteria in the most unexpected place of our body


Scientists say that it is possible that some intestinal microorganisms are preparing in the part of our body considered the best protected: the human brain. And that even the healthiest humans can have them as guests in the brain, reports the journal Science. These are mainly microorganisms belonging to three groups of bacteria: Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Bacteroides.

US researchers made public their findings this Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience in San Diego ( in California, United States ). Neuroanatomist Rosalinda Roberts, of the University of Alabama in Birmingham, USA, has shown images of bacteria that apparently enter and inhabit the cells of the human brain. Researchers do not yet dare to determine whether these bacteria are beneficial or harmful to the brain.

Microbes in all samples

Roberts reported that his team discovered unidentified bar-shaped objects five years ago in high-resolution, electron-microscopic images of brain tissue sections. people who have just died. For years, specialists have ignored these elements, but a bacteriologist badured the neuroanatomist in 2018.

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