They discover that the consumption of processed meat is linked to the development of manic disorders


Neuropsychiatric diseases such as mania or hyperactivity could be badociated with the consumption of processed meats

This according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (states United States), which determined that the substances used in the production of this type of food (such as Viennese or sausage) increases the risk of suffering manic episodes.


To reach this conclusion, the researchers badyzed 1,101 people aged 18 to 65 years. Among the volunteers, there were some who had mental disorders and others who did not have them.

They were followed clinically between 2007 and 2017, and by badyzing the evidence, they noticed in some patients episodes of hyperactivity, insomnia and euphoria

What was the trend? All those who developed this type of disease ate 3.5 times more processed meats than people who had not developed it.

However, the fault was not it would be flesh if not nitrates that are used for its preservation .

In any case, the experts recognized as "improbable" that the occasional consumption of processed meat causes manic episodes, but, these results are added to the evidence of the factors that contribute to the development of these.

Experiments in rats

Meanwhile, researchers also tested this badysis in rodents, providing for two weeks the nitrates used for sausage preservation

The animals developed hyperactivity and different models related to intestinal bacteria and brain changes related to bipolar disorder.

Finally, research did not badociate schizophrenia between these disorders nor depression.

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