They discover that this famous Facebook test has leaked data from those who applied it


It seems that Mark Zuckerberg did not learn the lesson, after the series of drawbacks he encountered in the case of Cambridge Analityca, and that, as is known, another application filters user data.

This is a questionnaire on Facebook, which is called "19459010" What Disney Princess are you?, with more than 120 million d & # 39; users per month, developed by, surely this test seems familiar

Now, according to a researcher, who calls himself Inti De Ceukelaire, who participates in the program Bug Bounty, this app takes data from thousands of users. [19659002] From Ceukelaire, he mentions that after the controversial Cambridge Analytica data leak case, he took it upon himself to note down all the apps his friends were testing step by step, the fitness trackers, arriving at the Facebook questionnaires and in particular this test in particular, Inti decided to perform the test which resulted in her being one of Disney's princesses, it would be Princess Jasmin.

But that did not stop there, and the researcher was walking a little over the app and discovered that he was taking your data.After loading the test, this website will throw all your personal information and post it on the website.

Inti discovered that this application loaded all your data into ] JavaScript, which allows the information to be shared with another website, better known in terms of computer as consuming an API.

However, in this case he shows the personal data since NameTests .com showed the personal data of its users. Something that should not happen because it allows this information to be accessible to anyone.

De Ceukelaire, shows in a video demonstrating the vulnerability of the information on this platform. The most serious problem is that NameTests would reveal your identity even after the removal of the application.

The only way to prevent this is to manually delete cookies from our device, since does not acquire our data at the end of the session.

This abuse was notified to Facebook, and then to, who badured that they had found no evidence of the case, however, they announced for his report, Facebook gave the researcher a reward of US $ 8,000 and he decided to donate half to the foundation Freedom of the Press.

It seems really unbelievable that this situation continues to happen but we thank users like Inti who open their eyes and contribute their granite to the defense of privacy.

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