They estimate that the fuel stock will be regularized after the weekend


The sources consulted by NORTE estimated that, in the service stations, the shortage will be noticed during the weekend, but could be overcome Monday, with which, they also excluded, the speculative maneuvers of entrepreneurs in this sector. .

Gas stations sold fuels on a fairly regular basis this Friday, despite some temporary shortages.

The fuel issue has taken a prominent place in the media agenda, based on the real concern of drivers and users who suffer from increases virtually week after week. The scenario is aggravated by the virtual confrontation between paper manufacturers and oil companies that makes the ghost of stockouts more and more real, forcing them almost to go through the pump to secure the product

  estacion2.jpg [19659006] REAL FACTORS </strong>
<p>  There is an apparently objective situation, reported by the highest spheres of the sector: the low level of the Paraná River during these hours prevents the access of barges to the port of Barranqueras, which forces redefine logistics. In the coming days, the fuel will arrive by land from San Lorenzo (Santa Fe) and this will result in replacement in the stations is affected. </p>
<p>  This essentially affects Shell and YPF. The version is confirmed by the general manager of the Anglo-Dutch company, Daniel Deu, in an internal statement to which he subscribed this morning. In addition to the question of the height of the river, explains the missing markings in the region due to "various factors", mainly related to delays in the arrival of ships with imported products. "This has led to the fact that in recent days the supply of diesel (from Shell) can not be done regularly." </p>
<p>  According to the businessman, "this situation will continue until the middle of next week, the expected date of arrival of the boats, so that by the end of this week we will have the necessary product to recover the normal supply. "</p>
              <strong>  A POSSIBILITY </strong>
<p>  A NORTH tour by gas stations of different brands, proved that, at least until the morning of & # 39; Yesterday, the supply of products was almost normal. </p>
<p>  In the visited YPF, one located in the heart of the city, very close to the Plaza 25 de Mayo, the officials of the vehicles supply said that the deposits they were full and the stock had even been restored during the first hours of the day. </p>
<p>  A similar situation occurred in the vicinity of Centennial Dome, where a large number of producers were preparing to stock up for the weekend. "At the moment, the supply is normal and the shortage is almost a myth that feeds users: the company has not reported anything, so we will have to wait to see what happens in the coming days," says the company. 39, one of the workers. </p>
<p>  Therefore, at a service station that markets Shell products, the situation was similar. There was only a lack of diesel for a lapse of Thursday afternoon, but yesterday the product was sold normally. The workers consulted admitted that the situation was not normal, but the complications were not to be feared either. </p>
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