They find 100 eggs in the brain of a girl with a headache


July 27, 2018 | |  Comments | Read 181 times

Tapeworm eggs migrated from the miner's stomach to his brain, according to the doctors who treated him. The youngest had severe headaches for six months.
An 8-year-old girl who had severe headaches and epileptic seizures for six months had 100 tapeworm eggs in her brain.
a hospital discovered 100 cysts that were actually eggs of the parasite and had migrated from its stomach.
The existence of these cysts caused inflammation in his brain, as well as breathing and walking problems. The minor was hospitalized and almost unconscious, say the specialists.
The attending physician stated that "this infection is caused by the accidental consumption of food infested with tapeworms". "When the eggs reach the brain through the nervous system, they cause neurocysticercosis, characterized by severe headaches, epileptic seizures and confusion."
This disease is caused by the consumption of fruit and poorly washed vegetables. cooked, infected with pork tapeworm.
Fortunately, the treatment helped the girl recover and she was able to go back to school.

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