They find 100 worm eggs in the brain of a girl


Trushika's parents, an eight-year-old girl, were surprised to learn that her daughter's brain was infected with worm eggs. Trushika finally entered the Hopsital Fortis after suffering severe headaches and epileptic seizures for six months.

His CT scan showed the presence of more than 100 cysts in the brain in fact, they were worm eggs, which reached their brain through the bloodstream of the stomach .

According to the doctors, Trushika was diagnosed with neurocysticercosis and because of the cysts had so much inflammation in the brain that she needed prolonged steroids that allowed him to gain 20 kg

She was also out of breath and unable to walk, according to India Today.

the large number of drugs, epileptic seizures and headaches, remained persistent.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the central nervous system tapeworm infection as one of the leading causes of epilepsy. According to the WHO, neurocysticercosis is the most commonly preventable cause of epilepsy in the world and is estimated to cause 30% of all cases of epilepsy

"Your scanner Cerebral revealed more than 100 white spots.This infection is caused by the accidental consumption of tapeworm-infested food.When eggs reach the brain by the nervous system, they cause neurocysticercosis characterized by intense pain. "He added that at the time of admission, she was almost unconscious because of these cysts and a large amount of swelling

," said Dr. Praveen Gupta, director of Neurology at Fortis Hospital. "His treatment began with the reduction of swelling with decongestants and then with steroids and gradually the cysts ( tapeworm eggs ) were treated at the start of treatment. Anthelmintic apia with albendazole under observation. Later, corticosteroids and anthelmintic therapy were removed. She lost all weight gain and was able to walk and go back to school, "Gupta said.

Experts believe that such a prevalence of epileptic seizures requires greater awareness of the safety measures that must be taken during cooking

Parents are exceptionally happy that in such a short time , Trushika is recovering enough to return to school and play.

"We had no idea that our healthy and joyful daughter could have such a terrible illness.But I think we are very lucky to be here and have the right treatment," explains Trushika's father

"The brain tapeworm infestation is caused by the consumption of fruits, vegetables and poorly cooked meat washed incorrectly infected by the lonely pig," Gupta said. .

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