They find a cure for antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis [Internacional] – 10/24/2018


Paris.- A new treatment for antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis, one of the most lethal diseases, has achieved a 90% success rate according to clinical trials.

A medical team from Belarus (one of the countries where the disease is most prevalent) tried for several months to badociate 181 patients with badaquiline and other antibiotics and managed to to heal 168, says the study.

The results are clear: out of 181 patients, 168 are completely cured.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 55% of people with multidrug-resistant TB can be cured.

The success rate of the Belarusian study (93%) could be replicated in other clinical trials on badaquiline in Eastern Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia, according to findings that will be presented this week at a summit meeting devoted to tuberculosis. [19659002] The results of this study confirm (…) that new treatments, such as badaquiline, can heal and are good news for people with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis or who are highly resistant to antibiotics, explained Paula I Fujiwara , scientific director of the company. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD), which is not related to this study.

Tuberculosis, transmitted by respiratory route, killed 1.7 million people in 2017, according to the WHO. the deadliest killer disease in the world, when it can be prevented, cared for and treated.

However, donor attention and money are concentrated on AIDS.

A study published in the medical journal The Lancet In In 2017, 12.4% of TB cases would be caused by antibiotic-resistant strains by 2040.

According to the WHO, strains of tuberculosis Multidrug-resistant organisms have been reported in at least 117 countries

. This disease is caused by a bacterium that most commonly affects the lungs, as well as the kidneys, ganglia and bones.

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