They find an adult body floating in the Valdivia River


This Sunday, the PDI of the Los Ríos Region unveiled the discovery of a body of a man floating in the Valdivia River.

According to police information, Army personnel removed the body and moved it to the vicinity of the Maritime Government, where detectives from the Homicide Brigade and legal medical service arrived. 19659003] The first recording suggests that the body belongs to Juan Bautista Galaz, 73, a well-known fan of the Valdivia Sports Club who usually wore a strike suit in support of his team and was missing since June 30th.

The prosecutor Gonzalo Valderas details to Cooperativa that, according to what the IDP informed the public prosecutor, "among the clothes (of the deceased) there was documentation concerning the person who was She disappeared three weeks ago (Juan Bautista Galaz) and in addition the clothes (that she wore the body) correspond to the one that she wore (Galaz) at the time of his disappearance. "

However, Service personnel The forensic physician must confirm the identity and perform the corresponding autopsy to determine the cause of the death of the eldest.

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