They formalize criminal complaint against Fujimori for forced sterilization


LIMA .- A Peruvian prosecutor formalized a criminal complaint against former President Alberto Fujimori and three of his former ministers as "authors with mediation" (controlling the fact) of forced sterilizations occurred during his regime (1990) -2000), reported DEMUS civil organization.

According to information, the complaint was filed by the provincial prosecutor of the Second Prosecutor, Marcelita Gutiérrez, in front of the first national criminal court and includes the former Minister of Health, Eduardo Yong. Motta, Ricardo Luis Costa Bauer and Alejandro

The former sector advisor Ulises Jorge Aguilar and the former general manager of Health Region IV of the northern region of Cajamarca, Segundo Aliaga Pinedo; as well as two other people identified as Octavio Marroquín and Magda González.

Last April, the senior prosecutor, Luis Landa, ordered that Fujimori be brought before the judiciary and ordered that ex-ministers Aguinaga, Costa and Yong be prosecuted. Co-perpetrators of serious injuries against Victoria Vigo, Inés Condori and 2,164 women who appear as victims.

The Ombudsman's office found that between 1996 and 2001, there were 272,028 tubal ligations and 22,004 vasectomies, but they are officially unknown. number of women who were reported to have been sterilized without their consent or informed of the procedure, while the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) determined that women with the disease were very high and at least one between them died as a result of these practices.

H For 15 years, a group of alleged victims first lodged a complaint with the Office of the Prosecutor for the crime against life, body and health perpetrated mainly to the detriment of poor women in rural and language areas Quechua. National Program for Reproductive Health and Family Planning (1990-2000).

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