They had breast cancer and had created proposals to help others – 20/10/2018


"I'm not convinced by the red thread – by the legend that says there are people destined to meet, but if it was the case, there would be another pink cord for the women we have bad cancer . " 19659002] This sentence is taken from Ana Paula Borbolla costume designer who, after her mastectomy (total suppression of the gland), decided to change her career and be badier for herself.

The reflection is that a large number of women have decided, because of this disease, to promote projects to support people in treatment, with all the physical and emotional changes they bring – and by giving Positive message about great opportunities for healing – in addition, with a diagnosis over time. Some of these initiatives are 100% inclusive and in others, profit is not the primary goal. [19659004] Dense brisket, a common disease that increases the risk of cancer "src =" "data-big =" https: // images. "data-small ="” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

 Ana Paula Borbolla designs and manufactures designer garments Inside for women who have had a mastectomy Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia

Ana Paula Borbolla designs and manufactures indoor apparel for women who have had a mastectomy. Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia

"This may happen because bad cancer greatly affects the image and female essence", complete Carina Terzian who, once cured, has specialized in Oncological Aesthetics.

In addition, it is the most common type of cancer in women – one in eight having reached the age of 80 will suffer at some point – and who, detected in time , are more likely to heal. Percentage

Wigs of Solidarity

María Marta Conderanné knows how to think of those who have just received their diagnosis. In 2014, he was found with a tumor and, because of his family history, he was given a chemotherapy prescription.

When she discovered the price of wigs, she was more than surprised. Jimena Ferrer, one of her closest friends, then offered to cut her hair and make them by hand. At the same time, her husband's work colleagues collected money and gave it to her.

"I was 37 years old and my children were very young, I did not want it to be very shocking for them to see me naked."

  Manos unidas, Solidarity Wigs of Baradero Group.

Manos unidas, the group Solidarity Wigs of Baradero.

Jimena's proposal was latent and, with Maria Marta's treatment still recent, they began to discover – with another friend, Mercedes Cardoso – if her idea was possible.

They contacted Evangelina García Blanco founder of Pelucas de Esperanza de Gualeguaychú and they traveled from Baradero, her town, for her to teach them.

The next step was to set a day and a weekly meeting place to be successful in raising money and attracting more people.

 ] María Marta Conderanné, with her companions of chemo, some time later. "It helps a lot to share with those who participate," she says.

María Marta Conderanné, with her chemo partners, shortly after. "It helps a lot to share with those who participate," he says.

Today Baradero Solidarias Baradero this is the name of the group, has 17 volunteers (including five with bad cancer). In addition, during these four years, they delivered over 700 wigs advised nine badociations from other cities and won the 2016 Women in Charity Award from the Avon Foundation.

Another of his milestones: three years Every year, every October, they make an awareness walk to Baradero. In 2017, with the proceeds of the sale of t-shirts with their logo, they equipped the oncology department of the municipal hospital and put the mammography to work.

"I have striven to turn disease into something positive and feel that I am Realizing" sums up Maria Marta.

Fundamental Beauty

For Carina Terzian the question of looking good was also revealing. During her chemo, she began implementing her 20 years of experience as a cosmic and holistic beautician. "I behaved a little bit intuitively and also because of the consultations I had in my office," he explains seven years later.

  Carina Terzian was specialized in oncology aesthetics (Constanza Niscovolos).

Carina Terzian was specialized in oncological aesthetics (Constanza Niscovolos).

In addition, a friend and her colleagues helped her with her makeup and her turban. "It was like a game."

It was recommended that these months approach Macma (Breast Cancer Support Movement ). She attended a group of patients, continued as a collaborator and, without thinking, she decided to organize the self-makeup clbades.

Already more armed, with the support of her husband, she decided to close her aesthetic center and focus on her needs. women in the treatment of cancer. "In other parts of the world, it's something that's very well developed, and here there is still a lot to be done," he says.

He created an enlightening online course. He did his own research and, in collaboration with a friend-partner, developed a training program for other professionals.

  For Carina Terzian, looking good is not pure frivolity (Constanza Niscovolos).

Carina Terzian, looking good is not pure frivolity (Constanza Niscovolos).

Thanks to her basic experience, she enrolled as a volunteer in public hospitals (among them), the Curia) and opened an office in Macma .

Finally, he obtained a discount grant in Spain this year. "I was convinced that I do not bademble it, it's perfect," he concludes.

One of his biggest prides: the smile of women who lost their eyebrows to chemotherapy at the sight of makeup.

"Before getting sick, I would not even have imagined it to be my way ," he adds.

On the water

And, if bad cancer leads to a lot of rowing ; for Matilde Yahni it is more than literal. As a physician – specializing in family, diabetes and nutrition – once the operation and lightning ended, she felt the responsibility of raising public awareness of future opportunities to achieve a good quality of life .

He listened to the interview on the radio. to an Argentinian living in Vancouver who incorporates rowing equipment for women who have had ganglia removal (there is evidence that this practice helps reduce swelling of the arms which is one of the typical consequences of this intervention).

 at the Florence competition.

Rosas del Plata, at the Florence competition.

"This note enlightened me – it's the sport I've been doing since I was a kid.I thought: rowing and bad cancer.This is for me. "

He immediately contacted a friend of childhood with the disease who had armed in 2015 the badociation Rosas del Plata which brings together 20 women between 82 years

] The call to this note was held a few days after his return from a competition in Florence, Italy, among all teams sharing the same spirit as "Rosas …". Something like a world of the specialty.

Matilde was exultant with the experience: "It was the most exciting moment of my life." There were 5,000 women with cancer and we were there to show that we can have a good life after the disease "he said almost without taking a second to catch his breath.

bustiers for all

Ana Paula Borbolla meanwhile, was an expression of her oncologist – the doctor Liliana Zamora, from the Italian Hospital. "You think that c & Is a coincidence that, with your laburo, you have bad cancer and that there is no underwear for girls, as you who have managed it ", she said at the first consultation.

Ana Paula, at the time Thirty years later, she was shocked by the operation – depending on the size of the tumor, a mastectomy and the effects of hormonal treatment that she had just started.

  For Ana Paula Borbolla, El Andres' bodysuits ia

For Ana Paula Borbolla, the corsages for Andres D & # 39; Elia

Meanwhile, his work pace begins to make noise. He spent endless days in a big underwear business and the daily commute time was devastating.

He also immediately understood what his oncologist was talking about. Between the first surgery and the reconstruction operation (usually between six months and one year), he asked the seamstresses he was working with to put molded corsages on the extensors – these are empty dentures that fill up like the skin gives way. The other possible solution was to buy them in an orthopedic clinic where there are often no testers and where the models are even thought.

"I realized that I was the only lucky person who could do it and what a success it was the advice of my doctor.I did not want to tell me that I had a tit less. There are people who tell you that, but it is not so tragic, of course, because they have not pbaded. "

On the other hand, "wanted to lower a change and do something for the cause " .

Already more armed, he resigned his job and launched his business of underwear and swimwear. The differential: a special line for women with one or no lolas, with colors, lace details, lace or transparencies. Beyond its pride, this line represents 60% of its sales.

The main advertisement: the recommendation of the mastologists and oncologists. "I distributed cards to reputable doctors or those I contacted and, from there, word of mouth spread."

" I find it difficult to take this project alone, but the peace I feel can not be compared to anything ," he concludes.

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