They Head to Demand the Law for Medical Neglect in La Serena


The families of La Serena and Coquimbo joined in a solidarity crusade, this time, took to the streets of the regional capital to ask the government for a law for medical negligence, due to various cases that were recorded in the region and in the country.

Family and friends gathered in the Plaza de Armas de La Serena, with the names of their loved ones who were victims of inadequate medical practices, in which many lost their lives or died.

For this reason, they require the authorities a settlement that allows the state to intervene in cases of negligence, in order to do justice to the victims.

PHRASE: "We need the government to rule in this regard and create a law against medical negligence," Connie Olivares, protester.

One of the leaders, Connie Olivares, said: is interviewed by Diario El Día and referred to this demonstration.

"We met with relatives of victims of medical negligence in La Serena, La Higuera and Coquimbo, to ask the authorities, in the case of medical negligence. the government, a regulation or a law for the multiple cases of medical negligence that occur in the country, "In public and private health," he said.

Evans, son of Connie, died of cardiac arrest due to necrosis. The minor had to undergo emergency surgery, a situation that never happened and ended up waiting for such an intervention that could have saved his life

"I still do not know exactly why my son is dead, we have hidden information, fight, like many families in the region and the country, "he adds.

Among the measures they demand are the care worthy of the patient, the suspension of medical professionals for the duration of the administrative procedures in each case and finally penalties for the loss or loss of documents

CIFRA : On July 28, a march will take place in Copiapó, which will gather the relatives of the victims of the different communes of the country.

On this occasion, the families of La Higuera, La Serena and Coquimbo, however, on July 28 will be a march in the city of Copiapó, called by the group "A son can not die", the c It works in this municipality and supported families in the region affected by this problem. 5802.

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