They introduce a bill to shorten working hours and increase vacations | Infinite


Introduction of a bill to reduce working time and increase vacations

This initiative aims to give workers more free time to improve their quality of life.

A group of PS parliamentarians introduced the bill seeks to amend the Labor Code to increase the holiday period and reduce working time, in order to improve the quality of workers' lives.

The initiative proposes the reduction of 45 to 40 weekly hours of work and increase from 15 to 20 working days during the holidays .

"We need to improve the quality of life of Chileans and Chileans Nobody is a mystery because the long days have weakened family relations," said the chairman of the Labor Committee , Gastón Saavedra.

The deputy added that "the draft includes standards of transitional proposals proposing a system of progressive implementation" to make changes allowing Chilean workers to have more free time to devote to the family, to recreation, sport and other leisure "

entrepreneurs to this project", concluded Saavedra.


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