They investigate a power outage that caused the collapse of the capital


The Minister of Energy, Susana Jiménez, confirmed that an investigation had been opened to determine the perpetrators. The subway became black, there was crowd, tacos and failure at the traffic lights.

With the exception of the heat, everything was normal in the afternoon of yesterday until 1723, a power cut to the left. to the capitalists.

The power outage caused serious complications in the north and east areas of Santiago, where 380 extinguished traffic lights were reported. The energy distribution company Enel has confirmed more than 170,000 customers concerned and said that the incident was due to a failure of a Transelec transformer (transmission company) in the Cerro Navia substation , lasting 25 minutes. [19659003] The Minister of Energy, Susana Jiménez, announced that the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) had opened an investigation to determine the responsibilities of this collapse.

And it is that the mistake surprised many people in the capital at the time of his departure. works and were greeted with the unpleasant surprise that line 1 of the metro experienced an interruption of service between the military school and the central station, so that pbadengers using underground transport had to be evacuated, thus making its debut with the new green card, which replaced the emergency tickets previously awarded to users due to incidents.

This led to the fact that the Transantiago bus stops were full of people, also generating congestion. After the power outage, Transantiago had set up emergency buses to reduce the influx of pbadengers unable to use this service. The service was recently re-established at 19:11.

As if the road problems caused by the breakdown were not enough, the power failure cut off the power supply in the block where La Palais is located. Moneda, who has not been enlightened. after the deputy Jorge Alessandri Vergara on Twitter, 40 years old.

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