They launch a campaign to prevent measles and yellow fever outbreaks in Europe and Central America


Chilean authorities have worried about the increase in measles and yellow fever. For this reason they started a preventive campaign.

In this regard, Rosa Oyarce, Secretary of Health of the Metropolitan Region commented on "A Nuevo Día", by CNN Chile that the authorities are constantly concerned about this issue given the warnings given to them by the Pan American Health Organization and some scientific and pediatric societies in Europe and Central America.

"We have been informed that there are outbreaks of measles in Europe and in several countries of Central America, it is very important to make these prevention campaigns especially those who travel, those who arrive in the country and those who are currently traveling. "

He explains that measles in Chile is controlled, the national vaccination plan C is free, so the recommendation is that all people who will leave the country and who were born between 1971 and 1981, must wear the second vaccine "

" All minors between 6 months and one year and those over 6 years must also be vaccinated against measles. They must go to the clinic with the pbadage ticket and the medical order to be vaccinated for free, "said Rosa Oyarce

The Salud Seremi from the metropolitan area also explained the symptoms of measles and that to do in the cases of these want to protect themselves against yellow fever

See the full interview in the attached video.


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