They manage to lower the arms of the bridge Cau Cau


The government plans to open, temporarily, the work of the public media on August 25. The platform will be activated on smaller vehicles in restricted hours.

"Good news for Valdivia!", As informed the owner of the Ministry of Public Works, Juan Andrés Fountain that the tests for to lower the arms of P Cau Cau successfully concluded and it was possible that both ends could join.

"We will continue working to be able to use the bridge temporarily, congratulations," he concludes in the social network.

Good news for Valdivia! We lowered the arms of Puente Cau Cau. This first phase of tests has been completed satisfactorily. We will continue to work to be able to use the bridge temporarily. Congratulations @MOPdeLosRios @mop_chile

– juanandresfontaine (@jafontaine) June 30, 2018

The owner of MOP traveled in the Los Lagos area, with President Sebastián Piñera to usher in a series of works in the region, including the inauguration of the double track that connects Puerto Montt with the beginning of Carretera Austral, in the spa Pelluco

Se prepares to open Cau Cau Bridge on August 25

During the day yesterday, they began working to open, temporarily, the work of the public media, whose deadline is set at 25 August. The Secretary of State had previously clarified that its opening would be restricted to light-duty light-duty vehicles, as agreed with the MOP Viability Branch.

Photo: Agencia Uno
Photo: Agencia Uno
Photo: Agencia One.
Photo: Aton

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