They perform the reconstruction of the discovery of the body of Sergio Mardoff


This afternoon, reconstruction of the site of the discovery of the body of Sergio Mardoff on the banks of the Biobío River, at kilometer 37 of the road to Santa Juana.

The diligence was conducted by Attorney Eric Aguayo, with the participation of experts from the Legal Medical Service of Santiago and the PDI Homicide Brigade, who testified to the history of the two forest brigadists who found the body on April 6, 2015.

On that day, César Inostroza and a colleague were fishing in the river when they found the bones. After realizing that they were human, they called the carabinieri: "That day we asked for permission to fish, and when we arrived at the riverbank, we saw bones. animals, but seeing that he had clothes, we called the carabinieri. "

Sergio Mardoff disappeared in 2005, while he was occupying a house in the area from Recodo, miles below where they found their bones. In addition, he spent three years in Concepcion's forensic service unidentified, until a phone call alerted parents that the bones matched the student.

The family's lawyer, Carlos Alegría, is diligent. account of errors made by the Laboratory of Criminalistics of Carabineers (Labocar) on the site of the finding. This, because on October 8, at the same place, the PDI found a bag and some documents of the teenager: "It is an important but delayed diligence, because this investigation was to be conducted formally in 2015, when the body was found.Every one of the brigadistas said that he had never been summoned to declare respect for the discovery of the corpse. "

Meanwhile, Carabineros general manager Hermes Soto said the prosecutor had requested a report and conducted an internal investigation. "They will be informed and, of course, we have also launched an internal investigation to determine if there is a responsibility, we must respond to that and if the work was done with some flaws, those who developed it will have to do it. "

On October 29, parents will be able to remove Sergio Mardoff's body from the SML to perform the funeral.

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