They plan the return of 179,000 cars to Santiago


A mbadive return of vehicles to Santiago is expected Sunday by major highways after the long weekend: the Department of Public Works is planning the entry of 179,374 cars.

According to the portfolio, Route 5 South will be busy on the day, with about 58,300 vehicles; 68 to 45.393; the 78, with 30,189 cars and the 5 north, will have a draw of 35,315.

Most flows will move in the afternoon to the capital. The maximum return time should be, in the case of Ruta 5 Sur, between noon and midnight. At that time, it is expected that there are more than 3,000 cars at the time in the layout. Meanwhile, on Route 68, the return will be concentrated between 17 and 23 hours and in the north, between 14 and 23 hours.

The territorial head of the Ministry of Public Works and the coordinator of emergency response plans José Luis Uriarte, said that in this scenario, it is essential that drivers anticipate. "It is essential that they inform us before the start of the trip," he said. For this, he called on users to access the "Organize Your Trip" platform, where they will find an estimate of transfer times from one point to another.

Emergency Plan

To decongest the On this Sunday, on routes 5 South and 68, it was decided to collect $ 1,000 tolls from Angostura, Lo Prado and Zapata between midnight and 12 noon this Sunday. The same incentive will have the trucks, so as not to collapse the roads.

The Territorial Chief of the MOP recalled that other measures would be taken after 12 hours: in the case of Route 5 South, the Pelequén sector, the "3 × 1" system will be applied, that is, ie three lanes in the north direction. To the same extent, from the Rancagua bypbad to Santiago, it will be increased to "4 × 0", ie four routes to the north. Then, from the toll of Angostura to the capital, the "3 × 1" will be applied.

In the case of Highway 68, the highway will have the "4 × 1" mode towards Santiago, between the Algarrobo link and the Zapata toll. The "3 × 1" system will also be set up between Lo Prado and the Vespucio link.

Christian Arbulú, director of the ViasChile dealer operation, in charge of the road linking Santiago to Valparaíso, pointed out that the projection of automobiles that will come back "is very similar to that recorded during the weekend this year, when we had a lot of congestion. "

Meanwhile, Juan Pablo Chávez, commercial director of Rutas del Maipo, operator of Highway 5 Sur, recommended "anticipate the trip and enjoy the toll at $ 1,000". He added that there would be 19 authorized toll booths and "advanced peajistas" that would bill in the ranks. In addition, there will be badistants in case of accident on the road, in the area where the "3 × 1" is applied.

The MOP informed Saturday that the move was calm this Saturday. Until 18 hours, 42,500 vehicles returned to Santiago. "Until now, there were no major problems, the flow was still low." The authorities also recalled that 4,000 inspections had been carried out this weekend to detect illegal vehicles offering their services.

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