They propose to anticipate the start of new projects to deal with cesanta before the closure of the company Maersk


With the participation of Minister Nicols Monckeberg yesterday in San Antonio, a working table was created to deal with the impact of the closure of the refrigerated container factory by the company. Maersk container industry, which left jobless to 1,209 workers who worked in the factory located in the Malvilla sector.

The term of the source of employment, which became official on June 14, increases unemployment affecting San Antonio, which reaches 9% of residents of the municipality.

The Minister of Labor indicated that the government would make available to all those concerned by the state instruments to accompany workers and help them find new and better jobs as soon as possible.

Initially, he announced a high level training and certification plan so that former Maersh officials could apply for and find jobs that alleviate the situation of their family groups. 19659002] At the same time, Monckeberg announced that the Municipality and Intendency will advance the start of the investments and planned projects for the province of San Antonio, which for their performance will require a high demand for labor. ;artwork. For the above, efforts will be made in favor of Subsecretara de Desarrollo Regional and the Ministry of the Interior

Simultaneously and for the same purpose to promote and encourage the rationalization of projects that the private sector has prospects in this domain. The working table, chaired by the governor Gabriela Alcalde and Mayor Jorge Martnez, met yesterday with the authorities of the region, the leaders of the two former Maersk unions, the leaders of the company being closed and the parliamentarians . To prioritize initiatives that are part of the job creation, they will meet every ten days.

Minister Monckeberg said that it is necessary to work with a sense of urgency and with a unitary spirit. He says that "there are no political colors and there is no fighting against each other." We understand that everyone, the unions, the companies, the government, the mayor and parliamentarians have the T-shirt of the province of San Antonio.

Regarding projects that could be advanced by the public sector, the Minister of Labor noted that there are between 10 and 15 initiatives that can start in the short term, without specifying which ones. the old unions of Maersk propose to organize in cooperative to continue the industrial work, without drifting of jobs outside their specialties. Monckeberg noted that "it is something we can not close or exclude in advance, we are willing to study any initiatives that are viable, but we must do it responsibly."

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