They provide information to the borders of Arichian to prevent the spread of the flu


The Regional Government of Arica and Parinacota made a delivery of v informative bulletins in the Chacalluta Border Complex, in order to strengthen the appeal to the Prevention of Respiratory Influenza virus

The measure was adopted after the confirmation of two cases in the city of Arica, which are under observation at Dr. Juan Noé Regional Hospital. In addition to the border, the health service did the same work in the city's bus stations.

In this regard, Maria Loreto Letelier Mayor of stated that "we reinforce the recommendations of travelers. prevent the flu, as a government we have had a concern, and in this sense, we follow the protocols established by the Health Seremi there is also indication of the vaccine for people of the groups at risk, it is important that they do it. "

For his part, the Seremi of Salud Claudia Torrealba detailed the recommendations that help prevent the flu." The flu can be avoided by practicing measures such as washing frequent hands with soap and water or an alcohol gel as well as the use of tissues to cover the mouth and nose. 19659003] More than 68,000 people belonging to the vulnerable groups of Arica and Parinacota received the vaccine during the prevention campaign. De Seremi said that the scenario in Arica and Parinacota is as expected and is in the margins of normality for the winter period and circulation of respiratory viruses.

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