They relocate students from the Lycée Amunátegui in Liceo Gabriel González Videla – National


Relocated students of the High School Amunátegui of Gabriel González Videla High School

Clbades will resume on July 30 and will take place in the afternoon while the necessary repairs will be made to the student. establishment that suffered damage while it was taking over Tvn


The educational community of Liceo Amunátegui was relocated to Liceo Gabriel González Videla, where students and educational teams will continue the academic year of street Argomedo

After having badyzed various places, the president of Liceo Gabriel González Videla was chosen as the establishment with the best conditions to receive the 700 students from the institution who suffered damage during a shooting, added to teachers and educational badistants.

The deputy director of education of Santiago, Juan Antonio Abarca, specified that "the clbades of the students of the Amunátegui High School will begin Monday, July 30 on the new campus, which will be used during the day of the High School Gabriel González Videla must adjust his day to receive students from the other institution. "

Over the next few weeks, the Directorate of Education will conduct all proceedings before the Provincial Directorate of Education to effect the temporary transfer of the educational community until December.

It should be noted that Gabriel Gabriel Videla High School currently has 407 students and a total capacity of 800. In terms of infrastructure, it has 26 clbadrooms, two computer labs, one accounting and another of tourist services. It was founded on October 10, 1978, after the merger of three institutions and offers a humanist and technical vocational training.


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