They request the disarmament of groups related to Ortega who perform the "Cleaning Operation"


(EFE) – Hundreds of people in cars, motorcycles and trucks pbaded through the streets of Managua on Sunday to demand the demobilization of irregular armed groups linked to the government, considering that they are carrying out an "operation of cleaning "to attack the demonstrations The caravan of vehicles, with the slogan" Managua does not forget, Nicaragua does not surrender ", was called to claim" the disarmament of death squads ", explained the leader anti-cancer peasant Francisca Ramírez, who led the According to the Articulation of Social Movements and Civil Society Organizations, the mobilization organizers, the police, with armed hooded men linked to the government, tried to lift the blockade and barricades and bring back normalcy to the streets with bullets.

The government of Daniel Ortega argued that trade was reactivated in the Nicaraguan cities where there were disturbances ejeros and that "an atmosphere of normality, peace and security is breathed" [19659003] The government of Daniel Ortega has argued that trade has been reactivated in Nicaraguan cities where street riots have occurred and "an atmosphere of normality and security," according to the El 19. government website

however During the convoy on Sunday, as he was crossing Managua neighborhoods, many drivers honked, issued pro-student and anti-government protests, but hundreds of pedestrians and residents of all ages left their homes with blue and white banners typical of the national emblem and with stoves to support the caravan.

"They (government forces combined es) have bullets and we flags. We need nothing else to defeat the tyrant and only with that and our voices will reach and we will recover the country, because it is ours, it does not come of Daniel or Rosario "Murillo, wife of the governor and vice-president of the country, tells Efe Manuel Mendo During the caravan

" They have bullets and we have flags. We need nothing else to defeat the tyrant and only with that and our voices will reach and we will recover the country, for it is ours "

Entre- Time, humanitarian organizations reported that one person was killed and seven others wounded in a confrontation in the city of Sebaco between protesters and the national police, supported by groups related to the government.

L & # 39; clash, according to the Standing Committee on Human Rights (CPDH), occurred at dusk this Saturday when a group of protesters The opposition party tried to block the pbadage of vehicles on a bridge at Sebaco, 105 kilometers north of Managua, and was repulsed by police and paratroopers police

. "Flores" in Managua and that of a missing person whose corpse was found at the morgue of the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

The violent crisis that left 300 deaths in Nicaragua is due to the "unleashing of dark forces that sow terror and death" in the country, said Nicaraguan Bishop Silvio Báez

"The Lord has cried abundantly in Nicaragua during these two months when dark forces were unleashed that terror and death in our neighborhoods, in our cities, in our roads, "said the priest during a homily in the metropolitan cathedral of Managua

The violent crisis that left nearly 300 dead in Nicaragua is because "dark forces were unleashed that are surely terror and death" in the country, said the bishop Nicaraguan Silvio Báez

"God has cried abundantly in those months when violent and criminal repression" in Nicaragua, said the Auxiliary Bishop of Managua.

Vice President Rosario Murillo attributed the crisis in the country to an invasion of "evil spirits who want today, it will be 75 days of the socio-political crisis, the bloodiest since the 1980s, with Ortega also as president, who left 285 dead and more than 2,500 wounded, according to the latest report of the Nicaraguan Human Rights Association (ANPDH) last Tuesday

Since then, the agencies Humanitarians confirmed at least four more deaths.

Demonstrations against the government began on April 18 by the failure of social security reforms and became a claim that calls for the resignation of Ortega, after eleven years in power, with charges of abuse and corruption.


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