They reveal that the counselor of Pichidegua wrote the name of the alleged murderer before dying | New


The great commotion resulted in the death of Pichidegua's counselor, Tulio Rojas (50), whose body was found in a car after being killed by a robbery

. Preventive for the man charged with the offense, according to the FEAL initials and who is 26 years old.

Recall that the alleged murderer had been arrested by the IDP in the afternoon of Friday in San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, after the mayor's body had been found on Tuesday, October 16 at the Codao Bridge in Pichidegua.

For the Prosecutor Claudio Río the court decision was correct because there are several criteria, including the recovery of the counselor's ring which is essential to the investigation , since the persecutor claims that he was sold by the accused for 100,000 pesos.

In addition to the above, "the victim was able to write the name of the author.He had a survival.There are even calls that there were hours before the event and witnesses who placed the day and time in the place "," he said. justice that the accused is innocent. "An investigation into a totally erroneous person is under way. The Crown's case, in our opinion, is ambiguous, uncertain, and inconclusive " he remarked.

" Therefore, we think that in the process we can reverse the situation " , he added.] In view of all the above, the investigation continues and the remains of blood found will determine if the accused participated in the facts.

In the 39, interval, the court set a deadline of 120 days for the development of the investigation.

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