They say the HIV vaccine is closer to reality – 06/07/2018


The researchers announced that they tested an experimental vaccine against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that protected the monkeys from infection .

"These results represent an important step" towards the creation of a vaccine, said study director, virologist Dan Barouch, in a statement in The Lancet.

However, he warned that there is no guarantee that the following tests will be positive. "We must be careful" he told the AFP news agency. The results of the wider tests are expected in 2021 or 2022.

In the same sense, the famous Argentine expert of infectious diseases Pedro Cahn in a dialogue with Clarín was expressed . "It's good news." He showed that he was giving protection to monkeys but he still can not be extended to humans. We are on the right track but its meaning is absolutely uncertain. There is no need to encourage false expectations "says the creator of the Huésped Foundation

  Pedro Cahn, Argentine Expert in Infectious Diseases

Pedro Cahn, Expert Argentinian Infectious Disease

Here's the "fifth vaccine concept" against HIV tested in 35 years, according to Barouch.

The study was conducted among 393 healthy adults, seronegative, elderly from 18 to 50 years in East Africa, South Africa, Thailand and the United States, some of whom received a placebo

Tests have shown the safety of the vaccine combination, which included different types of HIV virus, with only five participants with side effects such as diarrhea or dizziness.