They say the Saudi Crown Prince has called Jamal Khashoggi a "dangerous Islamist" – 01/11/2018


New data seems to establish a link between the Saudi monarchy and the crime of critical journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman described him as a "dangerous Islamist" in a phone conversation with one of Donald Trump's closest advisers, the Washington Post reported on Thursday (19459004). with Jared Kushner, son-in-law and aide to the US president, just days after Khashoggi's disappearance, but before Riyad admits he was killed, the prince asks the White House to preserve the US-Saudi alliance, and stated that the journalist was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Khashoggi's attempt to criticize in private disputes with the Saudi government's subsequent public statements that death The journalist was described as a "terrible mistake" and a "terrible tragedy".

"The incident that occurred is mu and painful for all the Saudis," said Crown Prince, de facto ruler of the kingdom, at a round table organized last week . "The incident is not justifiable."

Saudi Arabia faces international condemnation for its contradictory versions in this case. Khashoggi disappeared on October 2 in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, where he went to do some paperwork to marry his Turkish girlfriend. Riad said for days that the journalist was gone alive from there. But on October 20, he admitted that Khashoggi had died "accidentally during a fight". A few days ago, the Saudi prosecutor's office finally admitted that it was a premeditated crime. The body would never have appeared and, according to Turkish sources, it would have been dismembered.

Saudi Ambbadador to the United States, Khalid bin Salman, described Khashoggi's "last month" as a "friend" who dedicated "much of his life to serving his country. "

The journalist's family described the columnist's description as "a dangerous Islamist" as "inaccurate".

"Jamal Khashoggi was not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood." Jamal Khashoggi was by no means a dangerous person. "

The White House refused to discuss delicate conversations with the Saudis or to say how many phone calls they've made, had the Crown Prince and Kushner since Khashoggi's disappearance The two men have had many discussions, according to people familiar with the issue.

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