They seize 3.2 tons of cocaine in the border area between Venezuela and Colombia | In the world


  Photo: Archive | Twitter

Photo: Archive | Twitter | AFP

The Venezuelan army seized 3.2 tons of cocaine found in a camp to treat drugs on the Colombian border, officials of the Armed Forces reported on Sunday . the border municipality José María Semprún state Zulia allowed to detect the abandoned camp and partially destroyed, announced the commander of the strategic region of Western integral defense, Major General Fabio Zavarse Pabon .

"125 bags were seized with 3.2 tons of cocaine hydrochloride.They were then badyzed, sampled and destroyed," said Zavarse in Twitter .

Military leaders and armed forces broadcast photos of the discovery in an area of ​​dense vegetation. One of the pictures shows bags of narcotics on fire.

In celebrating the operation, the head of the strategic operational command of the armed forces, Admiral Remigio Ceballos, badured that the Venezuelan army "maintains (a) a fierce fight against the trafficking of Colombian drug "

The common border between Venezuela and Colombia of a distance of 2,200 km, is the scene of frequent violent incidents related to the traffic of drugs, smuggling and the actions of irregular armed groups.

On Friday morning, an army operation against the gas traffickers at of La Guajira of Zulia had killed at least three people and indigenous communities in the area.

On November 4, during an attack confirmed by the Venezuelan government, three soldiers of the National Guard died and ten others were injured after ambushing an armed group in the town. State . ] Amazonas .

# 25Nov #Zulia || As part of the Soberania Patria operation, Special Forces of the #FANB deployed to the Mcpio Jesus Ma. Semprún, dismantling a drug treatment laboratory seizing 125 bags of A capacity of 3.2 tons. cocaine hydrochloride.

– REDI West (@REDI_Occidental) 25 November 2018


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