They sentence to 18 years in prison the "violator of Patio Bellavista"


The second court of the Oral Criminal Trial of Santiago on Friday sentenced Marcelo Pezoa, known as the "violator of Patio Bellavista", to the effective punishment of 18 years of imprisonment for two crimes of rape perpetrated between December 2016 and June 2017 in the area of ​​Bellavista, in the district of Recoleta.

In the first case, around 07:00 hours on December 18, 2016, the victim AACGP "was on a square near the street Bellavista, at the corner of Pío Nono, in the district of Recoleta, when Marcelo Alejandro Pezoa Naranjo arrived, with whom he went to the home of Isaac Thompson, Central Station, "reveals a report of the Public Prosecutor.

" In these circumstances, when both entered the house, the convicted closed the door with a latch and began to touch her and kiss her, and when she opposed resistance, she proceeded to intimidate her verbally when she he shouted, he would kill her, "thus fulfilling the violation."

Meanwhile, around 10 pm on June 30, 2017, the victim C.F.N.S. He circulated through the intersection Antonia López de Bello street Pío Nono when he was approached by the accused, "who took it firmly by one arm, folding it, and placing a sharp object on his back forced him to take a basic taxi "to transfer, against his will, to the same property and specify the crime.

The court also ordered that biological samples be taken from the convicts to determine his genetic fingerprint and inclusion in the national DNA registry sentenced.

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