They start looking for a man known for jogging in Valdivia dressed in red


Juan Bautista Galaz Ovando is missing, aged 73, residing on Aníbal Pinto street in Valdivia.

According to the information given by the PDI, this Saturday, around 4:00, he left his house in the street Aníbal Pinto walking by the same artery, without returning to the date and his fate is not known.

Parents have reportedly reportedly denounced before Carabineros of the 1st. Police Station They added that during this week they would have suffered bouts of disorientation. This person is known to practice trotting wearing red in different areas of the city.

When he lost track, he would have dressed a black jacket, with red applications, beige trousers and umbrellas.

Although the IDP does not have an official request for his research, asked for support for any news or information, contact with 134.

TAGS: Valdivia

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