They warn against HIV in indigenous areas of Veracruz


One of the health problems in the state is the presence of HIV in Aboriginal areas; said Patricia Ponce Jiménez, a member of the Multisectoral Group on HIV / AIDS, who added that research needs to be done on this topic.

He indicated that it is not known how many patients who go to outpatient clinics for the prevention and treatment of HIV-AIDS and badually transmitted infections (CAPASITS) are of origin because this information does not usually share it. ; Although some are not indigenous, they live in mountain municipalities.

Ponce Jiménez said that the estimate of people who come to these centers, which are about 8 thousand in the state, in 30 percent are indigenous, but this variable should be recorded more accurately because the problem is real and ahead. In the absence of specific data or research, there is no public policy to deal with and, above all, to prevent the transmission from continuing to be given.

He said that a study carried out in an indigenous community in Chiapas reveals that 80% of the inhabitants live with this virus and that contagion has come mainly from husbands to women and that children are born with this syndrome.

"The situation in the indigenous areas is unfortunate, because it is the next epidemic that we do not see and that we try to make transparent, because it is silenced and that it is. there are no public policies. "

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