They warn of the dangers that miners may try to contact "Momo" | Life


In case you still do not know, "Momo" is the new virus that causes a rage in social networks. This is a creepypasta (Internet horror story) featuring a "woman" with a terrifying appearance, which the user must add to their contacts WhatsApp, challenging their courage: badumes that he usually sends death threats, violent images and other types of terror content.

Like any ghostly viral history, of course, is wrong . There is no paranormal background and "Momo" will not show up in your room at night. In addition, the origin of this doll leaves behind any scary story.

"Momo" is more than a sculpture that is part of a horror museum in Japan, image that an unknown user (probably Japanese) used to create a joke that has a potential reach in the network.

However, there are still real dangers when it comes to "playing" with "Momo". Since the mbadification of the "legend", many malicious users have created fake WhatsApp profiles in order to subtract information. This was noted by the Computer Crimes Unit of Mexico, a country in which this creepypasta also gained great popularity.

The information is usually collected by criminals who want to take advantage of young people, that is to say minors who are more sensitive to these stories they point out. "We alert parents so that they are aware of their children" they write

However, it is not only this danger that worries the Mexican agency. In their publication, they also warn against the psychological risks of these young users who fall into the trap of malicious people. As stated, they extort young people, incite them to violence and / or suicide, harbad them, and can generate physical and psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and depression. Insomnia

#UIDI #FGETabasco [19659009] #Cibernetica #Tabasco #Villahermosa #TabascoCibernetryTabasco #SegurosAlNavegar # PrevencionDelitosCibernéticos #MOMO Warning for new challenges for children and young people, avoid talking to strangers, they are looking for information that can be used against you.

– UIDI FGE Tabasco (@UIDIFGETabasco) July 12, 2018

Minors: Vulnerable to Social Networks

Although some this seems a measure exaggerated, "the truth is that unity is not far from reality. As indicated by a study of the organization EU Kids Online, young users do not have the same perception of risk online as adults. Paradoxically, according to a survey of the NGO Protected Data 89% of children aged 9 to 13 years old access the Internet with their own devices.

Similarly, another study indicates that each year they increase the numbers of depression in children and adolescents, ensuring that 8% of them suffer from this pathology. "This disease produces social isolation and can, in the most serious cases, lead to suicide," explains the researcher. The World Health Organization says that "depression is the most common and disabling condition in children aged 10 to 19. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in this age group, in the whole world (after traffic accidents and AIDS). "

Before that, the body calls for attention to adolescents and children, from the family nucleus to treatment with a specialist.

Concerning the relationship between these pathologies and social networks, the Healty Children Miners' Health Website recommends to maintain an open and honest communication with minors, be attentive to the present behaviors and their changes, in addition to asking the help of doctors if in doubt.

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