They warn that the sexually transmitted disease could become the new superbug | Technology


Although gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and chlamydia are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) that almost everyone has heard of, there is one that is unknown to most.

We refer to an infection caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma badium (MG) which is more common than previously thought. In the United Kingdom, it affects more than 1% of people aged 16 to 44 years.

Even worse, according to the site specializing in scientific questions Business Insider, a team of scientists discovered that this disease was becoming resistant In fact, experts from British Association for Sexual Health and HIV claim that this infection could become a superbact if it is not sufficiently controlled (its treatment with antibiotics lasts five days.)

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Pixabay | Pexels (CCO)

Even specialists claim that MG is generally misdiagnosed.

"This does not cure the infection and causes antimicrobial resistance in patients with Mycoplasma badium," says BBC Paddy Horner. , badual health expert at the University of Bristol and one of the authors of the study.

"If the practices do not change, and the tests are not used, the MG will have the potential to become a superbug in a decade, resistant to standard antibiotics" he added.

In the portal Live Science they emphasize that although some describe it as a "new" disease of transmission, the bacteria responsible for this disease were discovered in 1980. However, the link between M. badium and the Sexual activity was done in the mid-1990s.

That's what Lisa Manhart, professor of epidemiology at the University of Washington, said in Seattle, who did research on this STD and indicated that early studies showed that people who had had M. badium had badual partners who also had this bacteria in their system.


In men this bacterium can cause inflammation of the urethra (urethritis), which generates symptoms such as burning during urination or discharge from the penis.

In women, although the consequences are not entirely clear, they can cause inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) or cause denial of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an organ disorder female bad which causes pain in the lower abdomen, in addition to discomfort or even bleeding during intercourse.

In severe cases PID can even cause infertility

Like any other badually transmitted disease, the best way to prevent its transmission is the use of condoms. Even if you have a stable partner, it is advisable to pbad the exam once a year.

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