"They will kill me from this country!": Switzerland ratifies deportation of Mapuche delegate to the UN | National


Switzerland has decided to expel from the country the activist and leader Mapuche Flor Calfunao Paillalef Ambbadador of the Permanent Mission Mapuche to the United Nations, after the Federal Administrative Court of this country decided to ratify the refusal of the asylum claim that he had raised in 2008 against the Swiss authorities.

The above, on the grounds that Chile is in danger because of the persecution of the Mapuche people by the state.

She has lived in Geneva since 1996 and received the Human Rights Award of the City of Geneva 10 years ago.

Although the Court has admitted that violence exists in La Araucanía and that the situation worsens, it considers that this does not imply "a well-founded fear of being persecuted with a high probability just because she's part of this group, "says Tribune de Geneve.

All this, despite the fact that the activist is the sister of the community lonko Juan Paillalef, Juana Rosa Calfunao who was recently sentenced to 5 years in prison for injuries to a rifleman.

] Therefore, after learning of the resolution, accused that the decision "minimizes in its resolution the situation of persecution" to the Mapuche and the pressure of Chile. By the way, he badures that his return involves sending it directly to the "mouth of the wolf".

"I have been in Switzerland for 22 years and his life has been shaped and I consider it inhuman," he said.

"They will kill me from this country, but will never live" he badured.

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