They will organize a preventive fair on breast cancer in La Serena


Ivon Guerra Aguilera, Seremi of Gender Equity and Gender Equity, appeals to women to help them prevent bad cancer and make them undergo a bad cancer test. screening. According to data from the Casen 2017 survey, only 33.6% of women over 50 have undergone mammography in the past year.

However, according to data provided by the Ministry of Health, bad cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women. In Chile, between 3 and 4 women die every day due to the late detection of bad cancer.

3 to 4 women die daily in Chile due to late detection of bad cancer.

Based on this data and in the context of the International Day for the Prevention of Breast Cancer held on October 19, the Seremi, Ivon Guerra, called on women in the region to prevent and remain vigilant against this disease. As a government and through our ministry, we are concerned and want to appeal to the women of the country and in particular the region to carry out the corresponding preventive examinations. bad cancer can mean the difference between life and death. "

" It's time for women to take care of themselves and realize the importance of having a mammogram in time to save our lives " , did he declare. Ivón Guerra, Seremi de la Mujer and La Equidad de Género

In addition, Guerra added: "As a government, with the Ministry of Health and in the region headed by our Intendant, Lucía Pinto, we are running a campaign On average 3 women a day die in our country of bad cancer, mainly because we do not detect it in time.It's time for women to take care of each other and become aware of the importance of pbading a mammogram in time to save our lives. "

This Friday at 10 am, on the Plaza de Armas de La Serena, the Ministry of Health will take charge of a preventive fair on bad cancer .

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