They will report on diabetes and obesity


The goal of the first Health Week in Diabetes, Overweight and Obesity, which will last from 12 to 16 years, is to raise awareness and educate the public about the problems that diabetes, overweight and obesity can pose. November at the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara (HCG), Fray Antonio Alcalde, who heads the University of Guadalajara (UdeG).

This week is organized for the celebration of World Days of these diseases – November 12th Diabetes Day November 14th day – will have a series of lectures on the management and prevention of health problems, as well as a symposium on November 13 in the Tour des Spécialités to inform doctors about these topics.

At the end of the discussions, 250 glucometers will be administered to patients diagnosed with this disease. They must therefore present their documents. In addition, a detection campaign will be held in the hospital's outpatient area from 8 am to noon

. According to HCG director Hector Raúl Pérez Gómez, only 50% of the patients in the world. they are aware of their situation; this has generated 1.6 million deaths each year.

He noted that in Mexico, the outlook is less encouraging, as 11% of adults have diabetes and only 50% know that they have it. In 2016, there were 4 thousand 700 deaths due to this type 2 disease. In 2017, 24 thousand 149 new cases and 350 cases were diagnosed.

With regard to statistics on obesity, he pointed out that about 40% of the Mexicana population have 1% and 20% of adults suffer morbidly.

"Due to the increase in these diseases, about 35 to 40% of health expenditures are spent on these diseases, which could in the long run bring about an economic crisis and an epidemic," said the chief HCG.

On the other hand, the head of the endocrinology department, Hector Alfredo Gómez Vidrio, said that there were 260 million diabetics in the world and Mexico, 7.5 million

L One of the ways the HCG director has worked to counter this situation has been a healthy lifestyle since childhood. proposed that schools adopt the strategy of providing balanced menus and the habit of exercising in children to avoid the generation of this disease in adulthood.

To fight against obesity

. It is recommended to drink natural water instead of sweetened beverages

. Bet on balanced meals

. Create the habit of exercise in children

"Due to the increase in these diseases, about 35 to 40% of health expenditures are spent on these diseases" [19659015] Héctor Raúl Pérez Gómez Head of the Civil Hospital

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