They withdraw a large quantity of drugs from Rancagua, Coinco and Santa Cruz


– It was reported that one of the properties occurred was two blocks from a teaching institution, which was an important aspect of drug sales.

Fernando Ávila Figueroa

Section OS7 of Carabineros Rancagua, commissioned extraordinary services, with the aim of attacking various outlets and consumption of substances controlled by Law No. 20 000, performing various procedures related to the Law of Drugs and the Law of Control of Arms and Explosives Nº 17,798, this in the communes of Rancagua, Coinco and Santa Cruz.

5 buildings were arrested with 13 detainees for various crimes badociated with micro-trafficking and drug trafficking. envisaged in the Arms and Explosives Control Act. A cocaine-based paste, elaborate marijuana, cocaine hydrochloride, a Rossi revolver with flight control, a 38 caliber and a bullet-proof vest were seized.

In addition, five ammunition of 38 caliber were seized without impact on nearly 9 million pesos. cash and different denomination and 1000 US dollars. To this are added various species used for the dosage and the sale of drugs.

Of the total detainees, 6 of them were put at the disposal of the various Guarantee Courts of the Region, while 7 detainees were released, However, they were waiting for the quote from the local prosecutor's office de Rancagua

It is important to note that in the procedures developed by section O.S7 Rancagua, a total of 500 doses of coca paste were removed from circulation. , 400 doses of marijuana and 100 doses of cocaine hydrochloride. The drug has been valued at a total of 3 million pesos. It was reported that one of the buildings was two blocks from a teaching institution, which was one of the main objectives of the sale of drugs.


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