Third blue code in the metropolitan area: profession registered nearly 90%


A positive report shows the third day of the Blue Plan in the Metropolitan Region, which was activated Sunday at 17:00, according to the authorities.

Activation implied that in addition to the shelters found under the Noche Plan de Noche Noche, during the Blue Code, additional shelters were installed in the districts of Santiago, Independencia, Estación Central and Puente Alto.

Good evaluation

"We are satisfied, we had a good day, no setbacks, with a total capacity of over 1300 beds, we had an occupation in shelters and shelters close to 90%", said Undersecretary of Social Services, Sebastián Villarreal

adding that "in the three activations of the Blue Code in the metropolitan area, adding traffic lanes and beds in shelters and shelters, in total more than 4,200 attention was given to people in street situations. "

The code will remain active

Given the forecast of new sub-zero temperatures due to the cold mbad affecting the central-south zone of the country, the Minister of Social Development, Alfredo Moreno, announced that the blue code will remain activated at least until Wednesday in the metropolitan area and in the city of angels. In Los Andes, San Felipe and Chillán, it will last until Tuesday

This emergency plan allows to double the attention capacity of people in street situations when the weather conditions are unfavorable.

In the metropolitan area, shelters will be kept open in the municipalities of Santiago, the central station, Independencia and Puente Alto, in addition to all the usual features of the Plan Digna Night.

Low Temperatures

"Temperatures have been very bad in the metropolitan area and will be extended at least until Wednesday.That's why we will continue with 370 additional places in the region, more than duplicate itineraries, so no one is left without the opportunity to get to a shelter, without warm clothes, food and medical care.We work to not leave alone the Chileans, who are left out and who are at risk of dying on the streets, "said Minister Moreno

noting that these days, shelters have worked smoothly in all three regions. that the urgency was activated, being able to give timely attention to all who approached

How to alert people in street situations?

The Blue Code brings together the efforts of 24 organizations from all sectors of society and citizens can collaborate by calling Fono Calle (800 104 777) or by entering on the web, where they can alert directly people in street situations whose lives are in danger.

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