This company believes that there is something better than three cameras on a smartphone, it is to include nine cameras


Have you ever wondered what your photos would look like if instead of having one or two cameras in the mobile, they had five, seven or nine? Probably not, but all the same, a company called Light wants to sell smartphones with up to nine cameras in its back, because neither three nor five seem sufficient.

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Light is a company that launched a few years ago a pocket camera with 16 sensors, called L16. However, they now want to venture into the world of smartphones, as reported by the Washington Post, and for that they are already working on their first prototypes: one with five cameras and one with nine cameras on the back, like the one that you can see the picture on these lines.

Depending on the light, with its prototype 9 cameras can capture images up to 64 megapixels. In their tests, they also discovered that the photos have better performance in low light than other phones and offer depth-of-focus and focus effects (hopefully that means better bokeh than the rest) . Until we tested it ourselves, we can not be sure what Light says, but without doubt that with so many sensors we can hope that at least their photos are good.

We talked about LG's next smartphone, the V40, which according to leaks will be the first mobile with five cameras (two in front and three in the back). But the Light already reaches another level, the one that makes us think that no matter the results, how much money will there be to pay a mobile like this? Only time will tell. [The Washington Post vía Verge]

About the author

Eduardo Marín

Publisher in Gizmodo. Technology, video games, cinema and television. Always near a screen and a cup of coffee.

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