This hotel offers a discount for caging your mobile phone


Today, when the telephone is an essential device for millions of people around the world, it is almost utopian to leave one's home and disconnect completely from the cyber world.

That is why the branch in New York (United States) of The James Hotel offers a true [digitaldetoxification digital . This plan, called "Detox Digital" offers the customer to leave his smartphone at the reception desk in a safe with a timer depending on the customer's stay.

To encourage this project, the hotel offers a 10% discount on the room in which it wishes to stay. With this, you will be offered daily newspapers printed, to provide one that will not have access to information in digital form. Allow enough time for the employees of the premises to have the safe in which the technology terminal will be stored.

Guests of this hotel will also have a schedule of activities such as yoga and meditation.

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