This ingenious case activates an airbag type system when it detects that your cell phone is falling


Sometimes even the best of cases does not guarantee that your phone will survive in the fall, but these are not cases like this. It was created by a young German engineer from Aalen University called Philip Frenzel and is equipped with four springs that unfold in an instant as soon as the mobile detects a fall.

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The invention is really ingenious. The case has hardly any electronics. It does not need it if we keep in mind that it will be glued precisely on a device equipped with advanced sensors. What it does is to connect to the phone and take advantage of the accelerometer to detect when the mobile falls freely in the air.

When this happens, the smartphone sends a signal to the case and reacts by displaying eight thin sheets of metal they curve outward and bounce everything in a completely harmless way to the smartphone. To return the holster to its normal state, simply stretch the leaves and replace them in the slots of the cover.

Frenzel received the first prize from the German mechatronics company and has already patented its creation. The engineer has already started on the road to market his idea. It would not be strange to see her soon on Kickstarter. [SWR vía Techcrunch]

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