This is how you can activate the reaction of the plane on Facebook


A report indicates that it is not an official element and that it will only be available for a limited time.

Several users of Facebook were surprised to find publications with reactions where appears a plane but was disappointed to discover that the " Me Aviona "does not appear among the reactions allowed by the social network.

Many versions are circulating about what is really this reaction, some believe it is a simple mistake and others that it is one of the novelties of the last update. day, but according to a Facebook spokesperson ( via FastCompany) it is something that was part of a hackathon between the employees of the company. company and that was not allowed in the end.

In other words, since this is not an official feature, it is expected that it will only be available for a limited time. Plane "title =" Plane reaction "src =" "/>

Well, if in the meantime you want to enjoy your friends' posts with a plane, you should only have an Android device (we tested with iOS and it does not work) and follow the steps below (at the beginning I thought they were fake but I tried them on Android and it worked):

1- In any post comment with the hashtag #addplanereact

2- Where is the comments section, click on the top right corner where the "Like" appears (thumbs up) so that the reactions appear and you will see that the plane is already shown.

Note: The first time you could see an "Anger Me" instead of the plane. it is reloading the comments section.

Now yes, ready to give " I Aviona " to all Facebook posts, including those from FayerWayer. 19659010] [ad_2]
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