This is Musk of Saudi Arabia after the murder of Khashoggi


Following his brief privatization plan for Tesla, Elon Musk states that he "was unlikely to" accept an investment from the Saudi government ] after the death of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi

The death of the Saudi government spokesman was "really serious," said to Recode, in an interview, the leader of the electric car maker, during an interview on the fact to receive Saudi money.

The interest of public investment fund of Saudi Arabia for an investment in Tesla led Musk to state in an August tweet that he had obtained financing to buy shares of investors and privatize the company.

The initiative failed after Musk failed to raise capital as a result of an investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Last month, Saudi Arabia admitted that Khashoggi had been killed at the country's consulate in Istanbul, causing outrage from the international community.

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