This is the schedule for July of the restriction of catalytic vehicles


Two months ago in the metropolitan area began the decontamination plan which began the permanent restriction for catalytic vehicles s .

Recall that ] all cars registered before September 2011 will be affected by this measure as reported by the Ministry of Transport.

From this portfolio, they informed that there are about 1,096,000 vehicles that will have restrictions, being catalytic

Those who do not comply with them must pay fines ranging from ] 1 and 1.5 UTM between $ 46,692 and $ 70,038 .

The restriction runs inside the ring of Amerigo Vespucio, since 07: 30 and 21:00 and includes a daily figure, although that could increase to double digits depending on the state of the air (environmental emergency).

Then we leave you the c full calendar for the month of July :

⚠️ Remember that tomorrow # RestricciónVehicular will be controlled through the 459 cameras arranged in Santiago ?

Here we leave the calendar for catalytic in the month of July. Tomorrow: vehicles completed in 4️⃣

For more information:

– Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications ( @MTTChile) ] July 3, 2018

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