This robotic arm feeds us autonomously, so we only worry about socialization


We are having dinner and instead of chatting with our partner, we have to worry about the possibility of eating and using our hands to bring us food. This is what a group of researchers seeks to avoid with the creation of "Arm-A-Dine ", a robotic arm that feeds us when we fear interacting with other people when they are. eat.

A group of researchers from the Exit Games Laboratory at RMIT University in Australia and the Indian Institute of Information Technology design this project which aims to make the time to eat more food. Social experiment ".

" A Food System Focused on the Social Experience "

This is an interesting invention because, according to its creators most technological advances are centered in food preparation and not in the experience of consuming them .As explained, "Arm-A-Dine" was designed to enhance the social experience of the diet, a "diet system for two people that focuses on a shared feeding experience".

And its appeal is: it would be able to feed the robot carrier and its companion at the table. "Arm-A-Dine" includes a vest equipped with n robotic arm equipped with a facial recognition system via a smartphone, which would help determine if the person is ready to receive food.

Said The facial recognition system would be based on facial expressions if he smiled, the arm would offer him food; if, on the contrary, the person expresses his discontent, the arm knows that she does not want food at that time.

According to officials, "Arm-A-Dine" is a response to a growing "loneliness epidemic," forcing people to eat with their smartphones and to avoid interaction with other people and that, according to them, eating is and should be a social event.

"Arm-A-Dine" is only a prototype and so far, there is no marketing plan . Its operation is therefore fundamental. The robotic arm therefore has limited movements and is only compatible with certain foods. It is programmed to stop at ten centimeters from users' mouths for security.

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