This was not the UFOs: the discovery that could reveal the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids


The Egyptian pyramids are one of the great mysteries of humanity that we can not solve, but we are getting closer to it after the accidental discovery by a team of archaeologists of an ancient transportation system. blocks.

This is a ramp with two lateral ladders and many holes for poles, located in the Hatnub quarry, in the eastern desert of Egypt.

4,500 year old ramp that could have been used to build the Great Pyramid. of Egypt – The slope is flanked by two ladders with many holes of posts where the ropes would be tied © Daily Mail / Live Science


This construction, discovered by archaeologists from the French Institute of Oriental Archeology of Cairo and the University of Liverpool in England, in September the Egyptians would have carried big stones.

"Using a sled to transport a block of stone and tie it to wooden posts, the ancient Egyptians could shoot the alabaster blocks of the quarry on very steep slopes. 20% or more, "Yannis Gourdon, co-director of the mission, told Live Science magazine.

Ropes attached to poles filled the function of "force multipliers" to facilitate the movement of the sled, adds Roland Enmarch. , the other co-director of the mission.

"The system we discovered would allow more people to use force at the same time, so that a greater force can be exerted and the blocks moved more quickly, "said Dr. Roland Enmarch at the Guardian.

The tools and signals found on the site suggest to the investigators that the system is approximately running. the construction of the pyramid of Giza, under the reign of Khufu.

Researchers will soon publish a study to publicize their discovery in detail.

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