this year, exports and consumption have increased – Radio 102.9


The demand for Argentine meat continues to grow, both in the domestic market and in the export market.

According to the latest report of the Chamber of Industry and Trade of Meat and Derivatives of the Argentine Republic (Ciccra) During the first six months of 2018, 1.48 million tons were produced with bones

Compared to the same period of 2017, production increased by 8.1%, which implies that the quantity offered has been increased by 110%. , 8 thousand tons.

This was the fourth highest production of the first 23 semesters; it was exceeded only in 2005, 2007 and 2009.

"This has helped increase exports and domestic consumption of beef throughout the year." , export growth has prevented the excess supply of finance from causing significant declines in livestock prices for consumption, "they badured from the cold store

Exports [19659002] With data estimated for June, in the first half of the year 201.1 thousand tons of beef would have been exported, which would imply a recovery of 60 percent year by year.

BALANCE. Meat exports: Córdoba will comply with quota shipments Hilton

The share of foreign trade in the product rose from 9% between January and June last year to 13.6% in the first semester of 2018.

Domestic Market

Between January and last month, domestic consumption would have absorbed 1.28 million tons, or 2.9 percent more than in January- June of last year. "Its relative importance dropped from 90.8% to 86.4% between the periods badyzed," according to Ciccra.

Beef consumption per capita increased to 58.6. kilos per year in the sixth month of 2018, taking the moving average of the last 12 months. In annual terms, this figure has improved by 3.5 per cent.

Who buys?

In the first five months, the volume of beef exported reached 121,600 tonnes. It was the highest volume of the last nine years.

China. It is consolidated as the largest buyer of beef in our country, as well as in Uruguay and Brazil. The Asian giant reached a 50 percent share of beef shipments from Argentina in January-May 2018. A total of 61,000 tonnes were shipped to that country. Compared to January-May 2017, the volume exported to China increased by 102%.

Russia. With purchases of a total of 13,600 tons of beef during the first five months of the year, the European country quintupled its purchases compared to the same period of 2017: 433% . Its share in the total rose from 3.4% to 11.2% between the periods considered.

Chile. The third customer who purchased 11.7 thousand tonnes in the period January-May 2018. In interannual terms, they were only 1.7% higher. Its share in the total exported by Argentina was 9.7%

Israel. The volume exported to this country was 9,800 tonnes in the first five months of the year, 12 percent higher than in January-May 2017. Its year-on-year share is from 11.5 percent to 8.1 percent.

Fuenet: The Voice

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