"Those who want to ignore the role of the PC will hit a wall"


How do you evaluate the government installation process?

It became clear that this government began with big announcements and raised high expectations that have been slowly diluted and that citizenship perceives it. And what was absolutely reflected in the government's political action, is that these advertisements were empty of content, that they had no support. What they have shown is that the government was not ready to govern

How was this expressed?

The government's ability to make the opposition responsible for its own handicaps is impressive. What we have seen is that La Moneda has made its main effort in agreement with its coalition. And in trying to hide the differences in their area, they now hold the opposition responsible. Legislative drought is a reality. A government develops a proposal that must be translated into laws, actions and that has not been seen.

The government accused them of legislative obstruction and some drew attention to Blumel.

Blumel is the government's empty expression icon. He goes to Parliament but refuses to hold meetings with parliamentarians (…); He gives the impression that he is a minister who is hiding, the less we see him and the less he has to decide on the problems, the better. " This is the demonstration that does not have much to say because the political line of the executive does not have a clear direction.

A few weeks ago, Senator Chahuán said, "We were lucky" because the opposition is not cohesive. Do you share?

It is absolutely clear that there are several oppositions. In the country, at this moment, there is not a single opposition. And everyone develops their own strategy and sometimes what's left is the impression that there is a skill that happens faster to take an initiative against the government, rather than the existence of 39, coherent coordination. Thus, neither the government progresses nor the opposition progresses.

How did you see the Frente Amplio?

The Frente Amplio, like any new space, learns from this process. It's different to have two parliamentarians who do not make a major difference in votes to have 20. It's not so easy to make a critical speech without it being supported in a political action that will have consequences. I have a lot of hope, I see that there are many colleagues who realized the need to build more collectively. It is true that in the beginning, they became a little more arrogant and it is a reality

Is it a mistake to hasten to accuse Santelices constitutionally?

precisely to respond to what the decision they took, alone, to constitutionally accuse the minister meant. There, they realized that they needed other forces to support him. And as a PC, we made the decision to make a concrete gesture, even though we knew from the beginning that we would not have the strength to bring the charges until the end. We hope that these signals can be read. It is the experiments that will allow us to constitute a coordinated opposition

And that can have an expression in the electoral thing?

It is obvious that the non-election agreement of the opposition forces will mean triumph. from right to right across the country and, with that, consolidate its presidential project, in addition to the control of regional governments and municipalities.

And how is this unity carried out?

It's a very decisive moment to put aside the pettiness of the egos and put the future of this country in the center, because otherwise the setback will be immense, and I think we go back far enough to, in addition, give them and deliver them on a platter. who will be the local force and the regional governments.

However, the DC and the PPD both marked a significant distance from the communists.

No one here will force anyone to meet or make an alliance with anyone, but the PC, who likes it, is a force of the left that has parliamentary representation, which has political representation , which was the biggest part in the latest re-registration of political parties and, therefore, those who want to ignore the role of the PC will hit a wall, because the PC exists and will continue to exist.

The new chairman of the PPD said that with the PC, there could only be one electoral agreement. ?

With the PPD and the PS, at least on the parliamentary level, we have an agreement and this agreement has been based on several initiatives, in fact, we have already organized three seminars on different topics to discuss commonalities, not only in the plan of the electoral numbers, but of the political contents. And I do not think that the president of a party can erase from his elbow what he wrote from his hand. As a PC, we are ready to discuss and, of course, we are interested in building an electoral alliance. But that would be a warning call to our prospective allies not to fall into the trap of anti-communism and to isolate a party that has all the legitimacy.

What do you attribute the interest to?

I think that he responds rather to certain punctual impulsivities of some of the people who took the lead in these projects. And the worst thing that the DC and the PPD can do is to seek accountability abroad, but in themselves, because ultimately, they are trying to make the PC responsible for their problems, their failures or failures, they will be wrong.

Can a clean path of DC lead to the disappearance of the party?

Yes, I think it was a huge mistake to have taken his own path, that gave him a right advantage, among others. things, to obtain the triumph of Piñera. But we all have the right to make mistakes. I think that there is still a political majority in them that decides to stay in the center-left and that means having to dialogue, to agree and even to agree with the actors who are going from PC to CD, across the wide front. And, therefore, faced with this reality, if in some cases this provision is not there, we will have to badume that we will forge strength with those who have it. But as a PC, we do not want to be sidelined, we will not do it, even if some want to get it

And that can open an alliance with the Frente Amplio or the PRO

Absolutely. We talk for several months with the Broad Front, with its various parties, also with the PRO, with the PS, we have strengthened our political alliance link. There is a very powerful work and common efforts that I believe very difficult to break, because the Socialists and we understand the importance of the constitution of a left front. And those who value democracy and appreciate the historical role that the PC has played in its defense, also understand that seeking the isolation of this organization is an attack, precisely, on the history of our democracy. Those who try this way will fail.b

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