Thousands march to incorporate the three exceptions to the criminalization of abortion in the Criminal Code – Diario Social R & D


Deputies and deputies of the PLD, PRM and PRD participated in the closing ceremony of the event

Thousands of men and women participated in the march organized by more than 100 organizations social and political asking congressmen to incorporate three exceptions to the criminalization of abortion in the Penal Code: when the life of the woman is in danger, when the pregnancy is unachievable and as a result of a rape or incest

"Here, in front of the Congress of the Republic the health, life, dignity and integrity of women, through the decriminalization of abortion in extreme circumstances "affirmed the manifesto read at the end of the act in the presence of deputies Magda Rodríguez and Gustavo Sánchez del Partido of the Dominican Liberation (PLD); Jacqueline Montero, of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM); Ángela Díaz, Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD)

They demanded that the legislators fulfill their role as representatives of the will of the Dominican people who pronounced by a large majority in favor of the three causes, as demonstrated by the latest National Abortion Survey conducted in the country, which showed that 79% of the population is in agreement with the decriminalization of abortion when the life or health of women is in danger, 76% when pregnancy is not feasible and 67% in case of rape or incest

They claimed that this requirement is limited to the constitutional mandate of the state to respect and protect the dignity and integrity of all persons, regardless of their gender, age, religious belief or any other condition. 19659003] They warned that penalizing abortion in all circumstances aggravates discrimination, violence and social injustice. Far from reducing maternal mortality, absolute criminalization has increased the risks for those seeking solutions in secrecy situations as well as for those who are denied the necessary medical care for fear of criminal prosecution. [19659003] "The criminalization of abortion without exception does not prevent or reduce its performance under conditions of risk," they said. To address this problem, there is a need to strengthen public policies to reduce unwanted pregnancies, improve the quality and coverage of a wide range of contraceptive methods, ensure access to comprehensive, scientific and gradual, reduce early pregnancy and strengthen policies. the public on badual health and reproductive health for the entire population, especially youth and adolescents.

Through the manifesto read in front of thousands of men and women, they categorically rejected the proposal for a special law: "We know that a special law can not regulate the exceptions to the decriminalization of abortion if these are not contemplated in the Penal Code.So, if you want a special law, decriminalize first abortion for causes in the Penal Code. "

In the law, recognized and thanked the legislators who honored their commitment to the rights to health and life of women, even in adverse situations. "Rest badured that your determination will be recorded in the collective memory of Dominican women and in the history of this country," they said.

The march was convened by the Coalition for Women's Rights and Life, which brings together more than 100 organizations.

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